Sunday, July 30, 2006
Ok, so the funniest thing happened the other night. we were all looking for something to do and our only options were watching a movie or sleeping, so some of us girls are like, well we want to actually do something so we told some people that we wanted to play capture the flag or some other game that was fun in the dark. The germans, Sale and Flo got us playing the game where you put your forehead on a pole (like the relay game when you out your head on a baseball bat and then spin around it) and then we ran around a garbage bag and back. it was a relay and it was so hard! we spun around the pole 20 times and then tried running. that was no easy task. i fell within 2 steps. Then we went back to the main room and did other such things like carzy german things. ONe was laying down on a table and then going uinderneath the table like a bat (hanging) and then somehow getting back onto the top. so you're winding around this table. (none of these games are probably making sense, but at the time were hilarious). Then we played the drinking game (with water sillys, what were you thinking) where you each have a cup in the middle of the table, surrounding a large cup all filled with water. you have a coin and you each take turns flipping it into the center, trying to either get it in someones cup or to get it into the big one in the very middle. if you get it into someones cup they have to drink their glass, but if you get it into the middle one everyone has to drink their cup as fast as possible and the last one done has to drink the one in the middle too. needless to say a lot of water was consumed. we filled the water urn (the thing used to heat up the water for tea time, its pretty big) 4 or 5 times for about 6 people. it went on for a little more than an hour. People drop out when they have to pee so bad that they can't play anymore. so it was down to me and sale at the end and i flet so sick! I went back to my room to go to bed, and i was like no, i just have to puke and get it out of me, ive never induced throwing up before so i had no idea what i was doing. nevertheless i made it to the bathroom just in time and i didnt even have to induce it lol. i think i went to the washroom every hour that night it was the worst thing ever, and i woke up with a headache and i just felt disgusting. but hey, it was worth it. i beat one of the germans (one of them went to the toilet near the end not really realizing that you weren't allowed). Other than that it's been lots of lectures and learning. haha. Today at lunch one of the killer magpies went to atteck drew's head but it ran into the window, it was hilarious. the magpies here attack peoples heads when they get to close to their nests. and this is no small bird we are talking about. anyway, people are waiting to get back to the school.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Mittens, scones and fog
Hi guys! Last night we had our first family group Bible study. each student has to present 2 bible studies throughout the semester and yesterday was the first presentation. It was really neat because it was about angels and their relationship to God. We had great discussions and thought through some things i've never considered. After, we had supper (not to be confused with dinner. Supper is evening tea time) which consisted of scones with strawberry jam and whipping cream. oh so good! people here are starting to catch on to the fact that i love food. When people see me walking down the hallway with a spoon in my mouth know that it must be either nutella, ice cream or occasionally yogurt. I eat yogurt by the pail-full. its so yummy here! This morning the fog was so intense. its so pretty when you can see the sunbeams streaming through the tree branches and the fog. i love it. I've also heard some pretty funny stories about people catching possoms and how mean they can be. This one guy, phil who is my family group "dad", went to catch a possum and he had a pair of leather gloves and welding gloves one. he went to grab it and he bit through the 2 gloves and phil's just spinning his arm around like a windmill trying to shake it off and it ended up flying into a brick wall. You'd think that would do it in, but he managed to escape. I've also seen a real-live wombat. They are so big! I've heard that their back is so strong and hard that if you run over it with your car it can do some serious damage, not unlike a kangaroo. This afternoon we sat outside for lunch for the first time and it was lovely. it's been so cold lately so i made a pair of mittens to keep my finger's warm when i go for walks. Miss you all, and if you're into text-messaging i would love to keep in touch that way. i used to be all against it, but now that i can, it makes sense (for me anyway). To make a phone call is so expensive, but to write a little note only costs 25 cents no matter where im sending it to. so yeah, give me a dingle, the number is in one of my previous blogs. ta ta!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
so just to update you on a few things, actually this is going back to the second day. we went out to fitzroy falls and as we were taking the hike i was walking with one of the boys, Jared. we somehow got on the topic of marriage and i told him i dont want to get married. then he's like, "ok onto the next girl" and starts walking with another girl. it was great, and ever since then he gives me the funny look when we discuss relationships in lectures. people here arent very accepting of my idea, but i did get a good idea from jared and others as we brainstormed over lunch. i told them that i wouldnt date because the point of dating is to get married. at first they didnt really agree, but then they agreed once i told them that it would be cruel for me to date a guy with no intentions of marriage. so now what ive been told i can do is find a boy who feels the same way as me and we could just date forever. isnt that great? i never thought of that idea yet. lol, so any of you boys out there interested in just dating forever let me know. there is probably not a single one on the face of the planet unless he is missing a vital part of maleness, but heck i can always hope. for about 10 more lectures we are discussing relationships so im expecting a lot of dirty looks. other than that not too much is going on. On friday i am doing an oral which is where i just talk for 10 minutes about anything and then somehow relate it back to God. so i am doing it on being a server and i'll be doing skits about customers who have really stuck out to me. it should be great.
Friday, July 21, 2006
PJ party
Last night was hilariously funny. us girls had a pj party in the main house while the boys went out into the cold to go for a camping trip. we had appetizers while we were all lounging around in the lounge area, and then we had a candlelit dinner where we had pumpkin soup, yep pumpkin soup. it was actually not bad. then we did the gift exchange game where you can steal or choose to unwrap a gift, im sure a lot of you have played it at some point. then we had tim tam slams, which if you have never had, you have to! i will bring boxes of tim tams home with me. they are the australian oreo pretty much. we have oreos a lot, and the aussies love their tim tams. a tim tam slam is where you bite off two corners of the cookie, one at each end and then suck a hot drink through the cookie. mmm its heaven. the theory of bible school is that the girls gain weight and the boys gain weight. its only been a week, but i already feel like im ballooning. anyway, then we watched a movie while we ate candy. it was your classic girls night and it was a great experience. the boys on the other hand were outside eating roadkill, steak and bacon around a campfire. one of the guys on the way out there hit a kangaroo and so they ate it. dont ask questions, but it happened. they are boys, you dont need to know anymore than that. i tried to figure out how to work around the libraries system to get pics on here, but so far no luck but i will keep trying.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hey guys, just a quick line, i dont have too much time here. so the class this semester is really small. there are 20 of us, about 5 of which are candadian, 3 american, 4 german, maybe 4 aussies. i am flatting with sarah, and aussie, and i am practising my accent. We have't had too many classes so far, its mostly been orientation and that sort of thing. i love the school itself and the food here is amazing. I got a cell phone, and i have free incoming calls so give me a dingle. im not sure if this is a safe thing to do or whatever, if it isnt let me know and i'll take it off. my number is 011-61-4-104-69895. long i know, but thats what it takes to get a hold of me. love you all, talk to you again soon. cheers!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Oh the Malls

Alright, so i forgot to put on a picture of the mall that i found on the same day as when i went to the aquarium. It had four floors, and pictures can't really show how beautiful this place was. There were stores selling dresses for like $700.00 and there are lots of jewelry stores selling opals, apparently thats what australia is known for. There was a store called Georg Jensen. i thought it was pretty awesome, my dads pretty much famous. haha. One thing I did this morning was in my search of an ATM i bought a chocolate bar called picnic. it was delicious. chocolate bars are things i like to try in other countries. But it just makes me crave them when i get back home, and Oh Henry's don't always curb the cravings.
Heading out for the school

Sydney Aquarium

the picture of the shark has the best story behind it. There is this tunnel that goes through the aquarium and you feel like you are right there with the sharks. It can be really creepy when they are swimming right towards you. There was one point where i was looking at a stinkray and i felt like i was talking to it with my eyes. haha. I think im spending too much time by myself, i will go to anything for contact of some sort. My favorite picture is the one of the red jelly fish, I was so pleased at how well it turned out. Another quirk of mine is that i sit on the train and i listen to the conversations around me and try to say the words back to myself in my head trying to catch on to the accent. Im such a dork. I'm getting pretty excited about my trip out to the school tomorrow, and i can't wait to meet my roomies and classmates!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
You all have to try kangaroo sometime very soon. it is amazing! they had the BBQ last night, and thats what they were serving. delicious! Then this morning after my oh so healthy breakfast consisting of a jaffle which is like a grilled cheese, but with bacon inside, and they squish the 2 pieces of bread together. it was actually really yummy. I think I might head off to the Aquarium today as my adventures start to come to a close. I'll try and post some more pics.
Exploring Sydney

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Im finally here!
WOW, its happened at last. All those pictures I looked at are finally real to me and i am typing on the computer that i only saw in pictures before this. Yesterday was really nice. A lady my mom set me up with picked me up from the airport and we took the train to the hostel. you know how we had like 1 "train" or LRT in edmonton, well here there are like 8 trains and they are really cool because they have two levels. Once i got to the hostel I took a much needed shower, and wow, this place is so nice, its really really clean and well kept. so after my shower, i realized how hunger i had become now that i was steady and on the ground instead of up in the air floating for hours on end. so i stepped out into the great unknown of sydney, and what did i find, but a McDonalds just across the street. and me being the lame person i am, i bought mcdonalds for my first meal in australia. As i ate my chicken burger i walked down the street and i came across some really cute shops. I also came across the University of Syndney, and wow the campus is so beautiful. I'll try to add some pictures, no promises though. After that i found this mall (im a girl what can i say, i have a sense for these things) it was really neat. instead of escalators they had these things that were like escalators, but more like slanted moving sidewalks. then i got a massage and headed to the hostel were i went to bed at 6 pm, and didnt wake up until 3 am this morning. then i didnt get out of bed until 7:30. lol. now here i am ready for the day ahead. talk to you soon!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Hey guys! Thought i would drop a line now that i have a little bit of time. At the moment i am in hong kong and having a blast. i feel a little sick, but the frequent trips to the "toilets" as they label them here (as opposed to washrooms) help a lot. On the Flight from Edmonton to Vancouver was short and quick, and Georges Larauque was sitting just two rows in front of me! I was listening and watching my ipod from some gorgeous girl named hott sarah. It passed the time really well. On the flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong was like 18 hours. it was a killer stint. It was really uncomfortable too. the guy next to me figured out that the middle armrest could flip up and act as a headrest too. that helped, and i got a few zeds that way. this airport here is huge! You take a little lrt type dealy to take you to departures from arrivals. can you imagine walking all that way?? anyway, i think the toilet is calling my name, and so are the many shops. drop me a line!!