Hey guys. the day came that was bound to happen but i wasnt really looking forward to; sarah and i parted ways. its the first time in about 7 months that we havent been in the same city together. it was a pretty hard flight over to melbourne and then to auckland NZ. on the way from melbourne to aucklan there were very few people on the plane because it was a pretty late flight which meant i was able to have the whole row to myself to sit and have a good cry. it was also the first time in 7 months that i was alone. werid ay? But now here i am in NZ with Nicola, Keith and Liz. they all came to the airport to pick me up and then we had a late drive to Hamilton which took about and hour and a half. their house is so cute (its the red one in the photo)and they have a cat that looks just like oreo. we went to go to a cave yesterday and it was really cool because there were glow worms in the cave and it looked like there were constellations up on the ceiling. but those are the extent of my adventures as of yet. we are going to the beach today and im looking forward to soaking in some rays again. ps the pretty sunset pics are from albany. we went out to look at the wind farm on my last night and it was realy cool.
hey babe! I am glad you are still having adventures! It makes me happy that you can do this while I am at home! :P You should let sarah know that we would love to meet her and she should make a trip out here sometime! now wouldn't that be splendid. Well Keep posting and keeping us updated. I love you and I am praying for you. Give me a ring if you ever wanna just chat! Loves to you.
JJ! I'm glad you posted, I was just talking about you with Carrie today. The glow worm caves are really cool,eh? I went in one and saw the biggest and most disgusting spider I've ever seen. But it's all in the experience. If you ever need a place to stay let me know, and I've got some connections!
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