Photos for my Mum's Sake :)

Well mother, here they are, finally some photos of the school property. the one up top is of the girls dorms. I stayed in the very far left one, and the one on it's right. the next photo down is of the path that we travelled so many times a day. we really should have taken an average because it must have been so many times! but it had a great view so it wasnt so bad. The next one is of the Hilton, which is the name of the Boy's dorms for our semseter. i dont know much about that place, things went on in there that the girls dont know about. Then its a photo of the main lounge where we would meet before meals, have devotions, chat and hangout. Then there is the Library where many hours were spent preparing bible studies... or trying to prepare bible studies while other people talked to you. some really good conversations were had in that library, and it's also the roof that i climbed to get Flo with a pail of water but it didnt work. Next is a wide picture of the conference hall on the left and the girl's dorms on the right. they were connected which was handy. Then its the main house from the front, and then the main house from the rear. we ate lunch outside when the weather was nice and a whole lot of water fights were battled there. pretty much each and every lunch we had outside ended in a water fight, especially on work days. Then theres a photo of the conference hall from the side door which is where we liked to hang out during morning tea inbetween lectures. it's actually quite the classic shot because Joel is telling a story, girls are eating icecream and the others are just sitting in the sun. the last one is of the foyer. the tele is in the far right corner, you cant really see it, but for those of you who i talked to on the phone, thats where it took place.
hey pal! I love the pictures! It doesn't look too sunny in the pictures at the beach though. Today it reached a balmy 0 degrees! Yippy! Thanks for putting the pictures up of capernwray! I guess I should thank your mom for that too eh! Well Friend.. I love you. It is off to Amanda Dawes wedding! Keep well. Prayin for you. Loves
I love the photos. they are very very lovely. Makes me want to visit. :) I especially like the last one of the staircase. Classic. :) take care my dear
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