grad photos

well guys here are some long awaited for grad photos. the first one is from the grad ceremony. flo thought it would be fun to pose with some flowers. cute photo though. There are also photos of all the canadians, all the germans, sarah and i, sale and i (we were taking a family group photo, and flo thought it would be cool to zoom in on the both of us) and then a few of us girls. it was so fun to get all dressed up and act like we were all fancy and stuff when we knew that really not many of us were cut out for the high class, proper kind of lifestyle. So our dinner was amazing and it was all very magical and fun. we were assigned seats and sarah, sale, flo and i were at a table. it was really cold near the end of the evening and we were sitting outside eating icecream balls and chocolates. it was a really good end to the semester. oh, and about my dress. when we went to campbelltown to go shopping, the first store we went into was really nice and they had a sale rack, so i just went to browse, andi found this amazing dress. it was only $30.00! how could i refuse. then we went to go look for some matching shoes. sarah and i both had our dresses with us, but to really see what the shoes would look like we wanted to put our dresses on. so we hopped into target, sliped on our dresses and then walked around the mall in our fancy dresses with little sneakers on. it looked hilarious. so i found some shoes for 20 bucks. bargain! and a necklace for about 10. so in total it cost me about 60 dollars. and i thought about it later, the man who gave me that 60 dollar tip at BP's that one time told me to spend it on something in my time in Oz, and so it came out almost exactly to that amount! so with this really generous man's money i got a grad outfit that i absolutely love. neat hey?
Hey Good Lookin!! You look really hot there Jeanette!! I love your dress and necklace!! Really amazing. I can't see the shoes but good shopping you did! It will be nice for when you return because we will all want to borrow your clothes! :D You lucky duck you! Thanks for putting up the pictures. I loved talking with you last night. I miss you so much. I am so glad that everything is going super for you. I love you lots and nice tan line! ;) Ciao babe!
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