war wounds

so this is what i did when i was sandboarding on boxing day. this is my left big toe after i stepped on something, possibly glass. it happened right after my run down the hill, so i really have no idea what i cut it on, but whatever it was it was sharp! i really didnt want to look at it in case i fainted, but i didnt!! hooray! so we went to the hospital and they put about four needles in my toe to numb it. it was so painful!! but to make things worse, the bed next to us (separated by just a curtain) was occupied by this man who was throwing up and making disgusting hacking noises. i thought that i might be sick, but i made it through. so then she cleaned out the wound of all the sand and dried blood and stitched it up with 8 stitches. it was actually pretty disgusting with all the sand and stuff, but its all better now and the stitches come out in a week. the last photo is of me with my sympathy icecream. we went into hungry jacks (which is like burger king) and the guy gave me a huge icecream!! so then i was content and the pain was a lot less.
Owww! Merry Christmas Jeanette!
Holy Mother Of Pearl!!! That is disgusting!!! Blech!! But I hope it leaves a sweet battle scar cuz then you can always tell people stories about it! Merry christmas love! I got your mean text message about how you burnt on christmas! How dare you! Jussttt kidding. Thats awesome. I love you and I am glad you update this more! hehe! Keep partying and enjoying the sun! It's not that bad here ya know! Like maybe -5 ish! Not bad! Loves to you darling!
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